That's the reason for $SOAP.
Memes have gone crazy but in a bad way.
But who's to blame? We always blame the ruggers
and crazy devs who hoard supply like "bitches".
That's bullshit... right?
But people have forgotten that devs (or some devs)
don't have bad vibes and don't do things for free, they're hard workers, they're honest, but like everyone, devs pay bills
and invest in many things in a token
that must be of great value.
You see the design, the website, the domains...? The apps?
The awesome Soap Music Machine?
Those things have a cost before the token is launched. But today's investors don't want fees, they don't want team tokens or anything... so how the hell do we expect devs to do things right?
Ok, our narrative is pretty simple. We've come here to change (or return) the rules of the meme game.
The team will only buy a certain
amount of tokens at the start
(4 Solana), this amount reflected
in the tokenomics, a part
will be blocked as a commitment
from the devs and another part
will be used and transparent for
what it is used for.
. Remember that if "we CMC" that has a "centralized" cost of about $5000.
. Remember that if you ask for CEX, most of them ask you to give them tokens and stable payments to list you.
. Remember that if the community asks for things that have expenses, who pays the expenses and where does the money come from?
That unblocked supply will be used for all these "centralized" options that you like and want so much.
Do you want to clean up the crypto sphere and be a top token? Do you want to see how some "dirty devs" go crazy with this token and embrace the good path?
Solana is trendy and is a great blockchain so you don't even have to pay fees.
Here’s the deal, triple S: Strategic Expansion on Solana: is where the degen money is moving fast.
Launching here brings new. Greater reach. The more eyes there are on $SOAP, the more we grow as a community.
So that's where we'll look at our reach, not replacing it. Future Vision Soap, clean up as much as you can.
No chain is off the table as a way to expand, the devs know what they're doing.It's actually part of our roadmap. It's not about one chain versus another.
This is a total cleanup to expand $SOAP as one of the top memes in the world. We're not just another copycat or trending meme.
Look at us, style, culture, and our own narrative. Screw all those copycats!
$SOAP is just getting started on Solana, but the goal is to dominate the meme world in all its vision.
Why dump your bags when you can earn lifetime rewards instead?
When a token successfully migrates
to Meteora, and Meteora lock
the LP tokens forever and
AIRDROP the LP rewards
every 24 hours
to your current Top 50 holders.
. Rewards are auto-claimed & AIRDROPPED to the Top 50 holders
. Stay in the Top 50 to earn rewards, simple
. CTO friendly: Take over any
time & earn rewards
. Devs earn ONLY if they hold —no tolerance for ruggers
. Track airlock.sol to see rewards distribution.
. SOL is airdropped &
tokens are burnt
Airdrop schedule: the first airdrop happens within 3 hours of bonding,
and then randomly every
24 hours after each airdrop
(so the mean airdrop interval
is every 12 hours).
Randomness is important so
it can't be gamed!
$SOAP is just getting started on
Solana, but the goal is to
dominate the meme world in all its vision.
The $SOAP Token Launched through Moonshot, no buying and selling taxes, no contract access and locked liquidity and we choose after launch, Meteora Reward System.
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 $SOAP
Liquidity Locked: 100% for community trust
Dev Supply: Locked and with usability.
Transaction Fees: Zero taxes – keep what you earn!